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Pollock with Potato and Squash Crust with Chablis Sauce
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Tiempo de preparación
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Tiempo total
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Aquí se muestran las raciones de la receta.
Pollock with Potato and Squash Crust
g red kuri squash peeled, cut in pieces (2 cm)
o bien butternut squash peeled, cut in pieces (2 cm) - 150 g potatoes cut in pieces
- 40 g onions halved
- 2 dash lemon juice
- 1 medium egg
- 1 tsp fine sea salt plus extra to taste
- 4 pollock fillets (approx. 120 g each)
- ground black pepper to taste
Chablis Sauce
- 30 g shallot halved
- 30 g spring onions cut in pieces
- 2 sprigs fresh dill leaves only, plus extra for garnishing (optional) (opcional)
- 10 g unsalted butter
- 50 g dry white wine (Chablis)
- 200 g cream
- 10 g plain flour
vegetable stock cube (for 0.5 l) crumbled
o bien 1 heaped tsp vegetable stock paste, homemade - fine sea salt to taste
- ground black pepper to taste
- Inf. nutricional
- por 1 portion
- Calorías
- 355 kcal / 1488 kJ
- Proteína
- 27 g
- Grasa
- 21 g
- Carbohidratos
- 13 g
- Fibra
- 2.1 g