Kabocha Squash Dumplings in Dashi Broth (Matthew Kenney) Metric

Kabocha Squash Dumplings in Dashi Broth (Matthew Kenney) Metric

5.0 (1 valoración )


Mushroom Dashi Broth

  • 450 g cremini mushrooms
  • 1420 g water
  • 30 g kombu

Toasted Coconut Cinnamon Broth

  • 450 g fresh mushrooms, e.g. nameko, stems trimmed
  • 60 g tamari sauce
  • 2 ½ cinnamon sticks, toasted (see Tip)
  • 85 g toasted coconut flakes

Dumpling Filling

  • 1250 g water, divided
  • 500 g kabocha squash, peeled, deseeded and cubed (2.5 cm)
  • 30 g tamari sauce
  • 15 g rice vinegar
  • 15 g coconut oil
  • 1 ½ tsp fresh ginger, grated, to taste (opcional)
    o bien 1 ½ tsp ginger paste, to taste (opcional)
  • 15 g agave syrup (opcional)
  • 20 wonton wrapper, round (round)
  • microgreens
    o bien edible flowers

Inf. nutricional
por 1 portion
1104.3 kJ / 263.9 kcal
10.9 g
36.6 g
10.4 g
Grasas saturadas
8.2 g
3.6 g
979.6 mg

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